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Welcome to
The Great American Neighborhood®

Honoring what came before with what comes next.

When we begin designing neighborhoods, we first set aside the most valuable land to preserve as open spaces that can be shared and enjoyed by all. We are also fortunate enough to have many beautiful, mature trees, some planted more than a century ago, to be carefully woven into many neighborhood designs.

While we are creating what comes next, these preserved spaces and mature trees give the newest of our neighborhoodsa timeless, rich and inviting sense of place, from the time the first street was created.

Learn More about the stories of the land for The Great American Neighborhoods we are currently building in today!
Arcona Hastings Meeder


Our natural playgrounds

At Charter, we’re big champions of natural playgrounds, with green spaces and slides, rock walls, amphitheaters, and secret nooks. We call them TerraPark®, and we build them into our neighborhoods to create shared spaces to be enjoyed with neighbors and friends, and easy ways to connect with nature through miles of walking trails and green spaces.


small, locally owned businesses

Named for the intersection of two roads, Crossroads brings to mind the center of a small town where all of the activity and events take place. In The Great American Neighborhood®, Crossroads is made up of small, locally owned businesses along tree-lined streets where friends and neighbors can take a break and connect just steps from home.

The Space Between

makes our neighborhoods feel special

We discovered that designing a memorable place is not so much about the place itself - it's about the thought that goes into what is between the homes and other buildings. It's about the trees, the way the buildings all relate to one other, whether they stand out or blend in, the materials used on the streets and walks, the benches, and a million other tiny details that often go unnoticed.


The Great American Neighborhood

Now Selling in the following Neighborhoods
Arcona Hastings Meeder

Experience Walden, our most recently completed Great American Neighborhood